Saturday, 26 April 2014

Drawing Presentation Experimentation

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Silk (Drypoint)  

I have layered my dry point amongst surrounding suspended silk, which is protecting the delicate subject, almost reacting like a cocoon. I have projected a video to the subject to capture a sense of movement and energy highlighting the amniotic fluid. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Silk

These photographs are video stills, which I have experimented with different angles to capture a surreal atmosphere, I have almost hidden the camera amongst the materials, creating a subtle and secretive sense. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Silk   
I find this photograph successful as it captures a circular element suggestive to the inner womb, it creates a sense of nostalgia reflecting upon growth. The elements of white light creates a spiritual presence, highlighting the presence of the unborn fetus.

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Silk 

This captures elements of movements, emphasizing the movement of the fetus reflecting growth and development. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Self-Direction Installation Experiment

I have been experimented with different compositions, layering and lighting within my installation, I feel I have emphasized a cocoon element more intensively in this experiment, as I suspended my material surrounding the center almost protecting the inner, almost presented like a tent. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Mixed Media (Yarn, Latex, Thread, Resin, Silk)

I have projected  a video onto my installation, depicting the center of the piece, highlighting a sense of energy reflecting movement in this dominant area. I wanted to incorporate a centered focused areas of illuminated light, to highlight the the space around the dominating area as a sense of protection almost like a wall. I am almost projecting the inside of the body. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Mixed Media (Yarn, Latex, Thread, Resin, Silk)

This is colour pallet is simplistic creating a calm atmosphere reflecting emotions of awe and beauty, I feel it captures a spiritual atmosphere, as it creates a sense of life amongst the darkness. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Mixed Media (Yarn, Latex, Thread, Resin, Silk)

I have projected from behind the piece, depict an illuminated area, I feel this piece captures fleshy substances reflecting the inner body suggestive to the amniotic fluid highlighting a sense of protection. 

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Mixed Media (Yarn, Latex, Thread, Resin, Silk)

This piece is subtle, almost like a whisper amongst the darkness highlighting the presence of the unborn fetus. It almost representative of a nightlight, creating a sense of calmness and innocence suggestive to childhood. I feel the light highlights a sense of guidance thereby protection, reflecting my conceptual interest of capturing the functions of the amniotic fluid.

Paige Uttley-Plunkett
"Untitled" 2014
Projection on Mixed Media (Yarn, Latex, Thread, Resin, Silk)

I feel the combination of materials creating a sense of innocence, as they are pure and delicate, holding together protection the inside. They inhabit in the surroundings moving amongst the energy, suggestive to growth and experience.