Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
I feel projecting onto this subject has emphasized a sense of gestural movement, as the video captures notions, almost creating an organic atmosphere. The projection has manipulated the surface of the installation unexpectedly creating a unbalanced atmosphere, intimidating the audience making them feel uncomfortable. The colour within the video have depicted a natural habitat capturing elements of flesh and blood like substances, reflecting almost circulations highlighting life reflecting the developing fetus.
Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
The subtle colour pallet has intensified a spiritual atmosphere, which doesn't capture a peace sense of nostalgia therefore I don't think this subject is successful. Although I find it interesting how the project has picked up the layers of materials highlighting a sense of depth reflecting the dominance of protection within the subject.
Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
This piece highlights the strong barrier of protection, shielding the delicate subjects.
Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
I find this photograph successful as it portrays a positive atmosphere, capturing a clinical element highlighting purity and a blood like substance creating the persona of the inside body. It creates an almost surreal atmosphere, reflecting the fluidity of the amniotic fluid, as the suspended piece evolve and adjust to the environment moving gestural, the shadows follow intensifying the security of the piece as it completely surrounds the atmosphere.
Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
This piece creates a strong element of purity reflecting almost a cradle, and comfort blanket, but it captures a element of uncertainty which could reflect emotions within my complex concept. I feel the simplistic colour pallet is cold which creates a sense of negativity therefore I don't think this is successful.
Paige Uttley-Plunkett
Projection 2014
I feel this projection amongst the darkness takes the depth of my practice further, emphasizing a surreal atmosphere, it is almost like a night light or projecting the insides of the human body, illuminating the sensitive subject, and capturing the natural elements of protection of the amniotic fluid bag. The notion of materials creating a sense of fluidity creating a calm atmosphere highlighting a presence of the unborn fetus.