Friday 28 March 2014

Statements for other

Within my Contextual and Professional Studies we were set a task to interview another peer about their self-directed work, and create a statement portraying their context and intentions. 

The Artist Statement – Interview 21 March 2014
Written By Penny Penfold

Paige Uttley-Plunkett

The installation has been inspired by the work of artist Chiharu Shiota with a particular interest in the work incorporating blood and fluids made by Shiota as a response to her own miscarriage.  The piece is untitled and is made from various media including silk, latex, watercolour paint, thread, PVA, sweets and some hand knitted pieces.  The pieces of different materials are hung from a cord in a layered fashion some standing away from the wall, some attached to the wall, to create a feeling of depth.

The idea for the work came about as a result of the artist’s brother’s girlfriend becoming pregnant and the artist undertaking research to find out more about pregnancy.  In addition, the artist having dealt with the subject of death in her earlier work now wishes to focus on a different topic.

The artist is interested in the amniotic fluid surrounding an unborn baby in the womb, and the protection this fluid offers.  She intends to incorporate fluids and the idea of protection within her work, looking at different media to provide the fluid elements and linking her own comfort blanket to the work in terms of protection.  The artist also like the idea of using materials which look pretty at first but which, on closer inspection, revolt the viewer, the effect of this then protecting the work that the artist has made.

The potential for this work, according to the artist, is to photograph it outside in a natural habitat, and to make it bigger so that it fills a room.

I have found this task beneficial as it allowed me to explore different contexts of portraying my concept within a statement, and see how my peers interpret my knowledge and understanding of my own work. 

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