Friday 28 February 2014

Alexa Sheila

Video Still
Milk: What will you make of me?
Alexa Meade and Sheila Vand, 2013
Video Still
Milk: What will you make of me?
Alexa Meade and Sheila Vand, 2013
This work is a collaboration between two artist, Alexa Meade and Sheila Vand which I have recently came across during a Seminar presentation which one of my peers presented. I find the context behind this work inspiring, how they expressed on a video what there work aims to capture. The whole entire process is a sensual process, capturing a surreal notion of movement, the growth of the media, decaying at the same time.

"The fluidity of the surroundings, the fixed nature of the thing itself and how it interacts with each other, it keeps morphing and changing. It really is a living thing. The milk itself decays giving it a new texture itself".
- Sheila Vand
I find this quote inspiring as it captures an essence to the surroundings, in its own world growing and decaying at the same times which relates to the life cycle, highlighting an essence to the development of the fetus within the human body.

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