Sunday 9 February 2014

Jennifer Poon

Having explored through Jennifer Poon's work, which I find visually interesting as I was unable to find context behind the subjects, perhaps the titles speak for themselves individually, allowing the audience to create their own interpretation. 

Five Dead Eggs
White Velveteen, Tea stained Silk, Thread, Batting

Poon has named the subjects "Five Dead Eggs" which is suggestive to fertility which is relevant to my work, the subject has a spiritual persona, as it the simple colour pallet creates a sense of stillness and space. The pieces are shaped as egg which could reflect an fetus or a cell. The illuminating light almost creates a sense of transcluency emphasizing the spiritual atmosphere. The non-traditional materials are delicate and fragile reflecting the life cycle. I feel the silk, creates a fleshy substance creating a sense of realism within the piece, making the audience feel uncomfortable. The purity of the white, creates a sense of innocence and loss suggestive a sense of sadness.

Watercolour, Silk ribbons on handmade paper 12" Diameter each

These series of watercolour paintings are delicate and fluid, create a sense of delicacy within the subject, suggesting the human body is fragile. Visually these paintings highlight babies, which is relevant to my own concept, I feel it highlights DNA, looking at different features which is interesting. The subject is presented with ribbons, which suggests the babies are precious.


Poon has created the figures head inside presenting a fleshy tangible surface, which I find interesting as I want to capture an essence of the inside body, using interesting materials which make the audience cringe. 

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